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Scholarships are an award of financial aid for a participant to further their own personal development and education. They are awarded based upon the listed criteria below and is reflected in the values and purpose of the Inspirational Living Retreats and their founder Debbie Hogg.  Scholarship money is not required to be repaid.

It is a great privilege to be able to offer scholarships to an ‘Inspirational Living Retreat’ because, for one reason or another, we can find ourselves in circumstances where things could be better financially and when a wonderful opportunity such as this comes along we find ourselves held back and frozen. If this is you and you know you would get so much benefit from this retreat please apply below.

A Part Scholarship is where no contribution is required with the exception of your board/lodging.

If you would like to apply for a Scholarship, Debbie invites you to complete the information below, which will give her an understanding of what you believe you will get from the weekend and the why behind you joining the Retreat. Which ‘Inspirational Living Retreat’ would you like to attend?

Explain briefly your ‘Why’ about attending this program and what is stopping you from simply coming along without going through scholarship process.

  • What attracts you to the ‘Inspirational Living Retreat’?
  • What difference will it make in your life to join the ‘Inspirational Living Retreat’?
  • What difference will it make in your families life? Be specific – your children’s life, your partner’s life?

Email Debbie – [email protected] to find out more details on Scholarships.  All applications that meet the scholarship criteria will be eligible. Prior to the Retreat people will be selected and notified via email. Please check your emails at least a week prior to the event.

Why offer scholarships?

Debbie’s passion is to help others help themselves and supporting women through these retreats is what ignites her fire deep inside. People shift and transform when they spend time working on themselves and in an environment like the ‘Inspirational Living Retreat’, they are able to better understand themselves, create heightened awareness and allow themselves to be at peace.

“Procrastination is attitude’s natural assassin. 

There is nothing so fatiguing as an uncompleted task.” 

William James, one of the founders of modern psychology

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