Where has the year gone? Hard to believe it is 2015 in just eight weeks time! OMG – where has the year gone? There are a few of us that will be saying, great let next year be better than this year. Then others will be celebrating the amazingness of the year and all that it has given us.
“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”
– Albert Einstein
Our thoughts create our actions that produce our results. As the year draws to a close, now is a perfect time to reflect back and analyse the results we have received. These results and achievements come from many areas of our life. These foundational areas are Career/Money/Health/Relationships with Family-Partner/Personal Growth/Fun and Recreation and our Physical Environment (our home).
As we analyse 2014 it’s also a great time to look at what we could do differently, remembering that life is a journey and one that teaches us so much. If we ignore this opportunity to reflect and learn we could easily fall back into the same old patterns, which will give us the same old results.
If these patterns have served us well and produced what we wanted for the year, that is great. However, if we want to have different results and outcomes for 2015 what a fabulous opportunity and reminder we have right now to reflect and be grateful for the learnings and experiences.
A starting place in our reflection process could start with the life wheel, as it has the foundation areas of life. As we assess each area, score the area on a 1-10 (10 being the best/highest) scale of our satisfaction level for ‘in this moment right now’. The more honest we are the better the outcome, the better the learning. Draw a curving line from one side of the segment to the other creating a circle shape. We will notice our result will often have an uneven and bumpy look to it. This is where some changes can be made.
The next step is to decide which area is most important for us to make some changes. Making different choices in each area of our life will create the changes for 2015 that we are seeking.
Ideas to support some shifts for 2015…
- Choose 1 area from the Life Wheel and list ideas down to create different choices and change,
- Make a vision board of what we want it to look like,
- Let excuses go, they no longer serve us,
- Work with a Coach for accountability, keeping focused and on track to what we want,
- Get crystal clear on what we want professionally and personally,
- Get rid of the dead wood, negative people, toxic relationships, dream stealers and anything else that is draining us of our positive energy and time,
- List what makes us joyful and brings a smile. Now program these into next year , it’s important for our confidence, morale and pleasure to have something to look forward to.
“When you change the way you look at things, The things you look at change.”
– Wayne Dyer