The Self-Worth Coach - Debbie Hogg
Creating Coaching Conversations.
Debbie Hogg is one of Australia’s leading award winning coaches PCC/APC, Master NLP Practitioner, Speaker, Writer, Podcaster, and is The Self-Worth Coach. Debbie motivates and encourages everybody to look at their life, take action and make changes to enhance their LIFE!
Friendly, fun, focused, spirited, caring and a great listener. Bubbly, vivacious and well organized. Extremely fit, and loves hiking. Positive, walks her talk, open to anything, supportive, enthusiastic and encouraging. Loving, thoughtful, adventurous, understanding and engaging. Inspiring, loves people and is always smiling.
Determined and has always been an optimist with the “glass half full” attitude. Realist and sees possibility and potential in people. Loves walking beside people on their journey. A pocket rocket! and is a positive energy of light. A master of the art of coaching for 18 years.
To support others in giving themselves permission to fully show up in their life, because when we do, amazing serendipities occur! Debbie LOVES LIFE and all it has to offer, the good, and the not so good, the secret is how we deal with it. Debbie’s purpose in life is to ‘Support people to have their best possible life’, because we are on this planet as we know it for such a short time.
Be inspired daily and follow – Debbie, The Self-Worth Coach on INSTAGRAM or FACEBOOK and through Wisdom Playground.
For years, Debbie has supported women all over the world with their Self-Worth… Personal, business, finances, personal growth, bringing fun, play and imagination back into life, forgiveness, and even bringing adventure into life. When we have everything in balance, our Self-Worth automatically improves. Life really is easy if only we could see it this way and also could get out of our own way. 🙂
Debbie believes in the absolute power of positivity. We all have negative self talk and often it’s our unconscious mind keeping us safe, because this is it’s job. It might also be the inner critic we have shouting loud in our ear and holding us back big time. Whatever it is holding us back, it can absolutely be resolved and one can move on and do and be whatever they want to be. By doing ‘The Work’ and taking ‘The Action’, SHIFT HAPPENS.
Work with Debbie now, with one on one sessions/programs, group work, zoom supportive conversations, free Self-Worth support via YouTube.
Inspirational Living Retreats will recommence when a location is found, firstly in WA and then, where ever you would like one. There are so many ways to support yourself with your Self-Worth, check it out.
Debbie Hogg is a professional qualified Life Coach LCA, (PCC Professional Certified Coach with the ICF and APC Accredited Professional Coach with ANZI Coaching) who has been assisting clients globally since 2003 to achieve beyond what they have right now.
Debbie received the ANZI – Australian & New Zealand Coaching Institutes prestigious Coach of the Year award and is an NLP master practitioner, trainer, workshop facilitator, women’s retreat master, author, columnist, blogger, mother and wife.
Self-Worth Training Program

The most wonderful school of education and I’m so happy to be a Wisdom Teacher with ‘The Wisdom Playground’.
Debbie's World
I’ve been writing articles for years to support people with their Self-Worth. Check out some of my articles, you may find a little bit of magic!

Keeping it Simple // A Life Without Clutter
Today we seem to be cluttered in many ways, cluttered in our mind with so many thoughts. Cluttered in our house with possessions and papers, cluttered in our sheds and garages, clutter, clutter everywhere. Often we can get to the brink of overwhelm and stress that we don’t even realise the effect it has on…

Keeping it Simple // Which Road do we Choose?
We have many choices in life and some can be described as ‘the roads we choose to travel’, will we have this one or that one? Is it the way we are meant to go, or the way we choose to go? What happens when we take a pathway and it leads to upset or…

Keeping it Simple // Making Different Choices to Give Us a Different Result
At times we struggle and feel alone in our world. We ask ourselves, “Where did I go wrong to have this, all I wanted was to be happy and to have things go smoothly and calmly in my life.” We are often caught in this trap of ‘same, same’ therefore nothing changes and we…

Life is Short – What Do We Want?
With the sudden and surprising passing on Monday 10th August of Robin Williams at only 63 years, it brings up feelings and thoughts of how fast our life can be ripped away. It starts discussions about how short our life really is. Conversations begin on living our life to the fullest and doing what we…

Keeping it Simple // Having Less in Our Heads
“Clutter isn’t just in your home, attic, garage or office. Clutter is also in your mind, and distracts you from the amazing things you are meant to do.” – Katrina Mayer Cluttered muddled mind, so much going on we run on overwhelm and stress. We talk about the busyness, the speed, the lack of time,…
Pick of the Month
My Signature since 2003!
Mahatma Gandhi's quote, "We must become the change we wish to see in the world,"…

Start your week right with my Monday Morning Motivator!
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